Biodynamic blueberries plantation and sheep farm description

Biodynamically managed blueberries plantation of 4 hectares (9.8 acres) was established during 2016-2017 on a naturally isolated plot surrounted by a stream and swamps. Biodynamic preperations are applied to foster soil biota and healthy biodiversity on the site. Extensive natural technology helps to minimize the use of drip-irrigation. Two water wells and a small lake

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Food Forest Garden

Food Forest Garden instead of abandoned village houses is a project with a great positive environmental, economic and social impact on the depressed rural community close to the Ukrainian border with Belarus and Russia. Fruit and nut trees, shrubs and integrated farm animals in a permaculture-designed environment and maintained according to biodynamic farming methods can

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Biodynamic Blueberries Plantation

Our blueberries plantation was established during 2016-2017 with the four hectares on an isolated island next to a lake, small river and turf marshes. Several varieties of blueberries (Chandler, Bluejay, Bluecrop and Bluegold) were planted into light sandy low-pH natural soil of the isolated area that had never been ploughed. It is a truly unique

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Asparagus Veteran Initiative

Biodynamic asparagus is a startup initiative at the Good Farm Coop by a group of young veterans from Chernihiv. We have allocated one of the farm houses and the first 2 hectares of suitable land for the project in the Summer 2018.  Project size: 2 hectares of sandy soil virgin fields in Zdyahivka village, Chernihiv

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Organic animals on our farm

Farm animals play an important role in sustainable organic production and soil management and improvement. Our geese help with weeds control and fertilization across plantations. The sheep control vaster areas of grasses on the fields in preparation for crops production or plantations establishment. And, the rabbits are making sure our weeding and pruning practices are

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