Biodynamic blueberries plantation and sheep farm description

Biodynamically managed blueberries plantation of 4 hectares (9.8 acres) was established during 2016-2017 on a naturally isolated plot surrounted by a stream and swamps. Biodynamic preperations are applied to foster soil biota and healthy biodiversity on the site. Extensive natural technology helps to minimize the use of drip-irrigation. Two water wells and a small lake

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Biodynamic Blueberries Plantation

Our blueberries plantation was established during 2016-2017 with the four hectares on an isolated island next to a lake, small river and turf marshes. Several varieties of blueberries (Chandler, Bluejay, Bluecrop and Bluegold) were planted into light sandy low-pH natural soil of the isolated area that had never been ploughed. It is a truly unique

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