Biodynamic blueberries plantation and sheep farm description

Biodynamically managed blueberries plantation of 4 hectares (9.8 acres) was established during 2016-2017 on a naturally isolated plot surrounted by a stream and swamps. Biodynamic preperations are applied to foster soil biota and healthy biodiversity on the site. Extensive natural technology helps to minimize the use of drip-irrigation. Two water wells and a small lake provide for water supply. In-field cabins with internet access and video monitoring are used for seasonal residence, equipment storage and security.

Irrigation lake and the blueberries plantation behind
The ripening in early July
Sunset over blueberries island

Blueberries isolated field coordinates on the Google Map: 51.92526448004066, 31.726071167256336

Sheep farm with established premium lamb sales since 2017 has a headcount of
140 mother sheep of Romanov and Romanov-Dorper crosses, Dorper rams are rotated on seasonal basis to provide further heterosis.
Pastures and hay fields of about 150 hectares (370 acres) are based along Zhaivoronok National Natural Reserve.
Winter shelter and fenced area for up to 150 sheep are rotated season to season to provide new stationary position.
In addition, 12 milking goats provide additional milk for nursering young lambs.
A young heifer and a bull have joint the farm with intention to further develop cow herd for a seperate cheese production project.
Other farm animals include rabbits, geese and egg laying hens, as well as honey bees.
Two wells of very clearn drinking quality water on the site provide ad lib access for all farm animals.
Core feeding is hay-based with a humble supplement of oats for nursing sheep and young lambs.

Shelters and fenced area with feeders and water supply
Summer pasture
Clean fresh water unlimited supply on the farm

Sheep farm central point coordinates: 51.93584503714008, 31.737463474169786

Primary location of the sheep farm and the pastures in green, hay fields in yellow

Farmland property, tenure, houses and infrastructure:
14 hectares (34.6 acres) private land is currently under development towards prospective plantation and/or Food Forest with a water well on site to provide for necessary irrigation option, Southern side smooth hill is Ideal for permaculture design in extensive natural format.
6.5 hectares (16 acres) long-term lease (49 years) with a water well and a lake are now used for an established plantation of 4ha and additional rotation site for summer pasturing of the farm animals.
6 private farm village-type houses with barns, cellars and gardens of accumulated 2,5 hectares (6.2 acres) are used for seasonal workers residence. Water wells with some of the cleanest water in the country are available on two farm house sites. Red break cellars are great for cool storage or cheese making (additional project in development).
The farm site is 10km from a town of 12,000 inhabitants and well-developed infrastructure for vet services and products, doctors, shopping, etc. The road to the farm is asphalted but requires attention in some places. Electricity grid supply is stable and supplemented by off-grid solar power and gasoline generator.

Solar station for off-grid in-field power supply, 3 kWt
One of the farm village houses in winter
A stove provides natural heating and cooks delicious food

Good Farm supplies to premium retailers as well as private customers primarily in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, 200km south-west from the farm site. Many families also liked to visit the farm. Some stay overnight and explore all aspects of regenerative biodynamic farming. Some just like picking fresh blueberries in a safe and super natural field.

The project was commercially viable before the Russian invasion of February 2022. It remains highly potent to grow with additional produce added and green tourism further promoted after the risks of the Russian occupations pass. There is a very high demand for quality dairy produce in particular which can be immediately made with the available milking goats and selected sheep as well as by adding milking cows to the operation.
An active farming family would certainly enjoy the natural surroundings of the farm, the ecological wooden farm buildings and extensive gardens which can be further supplemented by new fruit trees and berry plants, as well as the unlimited supply of very clean fresh water for home use, animals and irrigation.

Contact Roman Makukhin directly for more details via the social networks:
Or by phone (including Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram and Signal): +380674673617